ShaderMap Version 4 R3
Override Default Filenames with XML
ShaderMap allows users to override default batch naming as well as default project filenames for generated maps. To override default filenames you must locate and edit the file "sm_filename_overrides.xml". This file is located in the Windows Documents folder in the ShaderMap sub folder:


NOTE: In previous versions of ShaderMap (pre 4.1) this file was called sm_filename_overrides.xml.

The XML file is divided into two sections: Batch Overrides and Default Project Overrides. The first section allows the user to set the output directory (relative or absolute), the output filename, and suffix for any specific map type. Below is a default batch filename setting for the Albedo (Diff) map:

<!-- Albedo (Diff) -->

<map_diff_to_albedo output_directory="\" filename="%source_filename%" suffix="%default%" />

The default settings are "\" for output directory (will save the file to the batch source map directory), "%source_filename%" for filename (will use the batch source filename), and "%default%" for suffix (will use the plugin defined suffix for the saved map). Below is a user defined setting which will save the map to the relative sub folder "sub_b", name the map "MY_ALBEDO", and use the suffix "_MYEXT".

<!-- Albedo (Diff) -->

<map_diff_to_albedo output_directory="\sub_a\sub_b" filename="MY_ALBEDO" suffix="_MYEXT" />

The second section in the filename override XML file is the default project maps. Default projects are created from the ShaderMap Start Page. Maps generated from a Start Script have output filepaths setup by default. Editing this section of the XML allows users to define output directory, filename, and suffix for each of the default maps. Below is a default map filename setting for the Displacement (Diff) map:

<!-- Displacement (Diff) -->

<map_diff_to_disp_3 output_directory="\" filename="%source_filename%" suffix="%default%" />

The default settings are "\" for output directory (will save the file to the source directory), "%source_filename%" for filename (will use the source filename), and "%default%" for suffix (will use the plugin defined suffix for the saved map). Below is a user defined setting which will save the map to the relative sub folder "upper_b", name the map "MY_DISP", and use a blank suffix "".

<!-- Displacement (Diff) -->

<map_diff_to_disp_3 output_directory="..\..\upper_b" filename="MY_DISP" suffix="" />

Be sure to read the comments in the XML file for further instructions on how to edit the override XML entities.

ShaderMap Software Documentation
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