ShaderMap Version 4 R3
PBR Map Conversion
As of version 4.2, ShaderMap includes templates to quickly convert between PBR (Albedo, Metal, Roughness) and (Diffuse, Specular, Gloss). These are found on the Start Screen in the Template Library droplist (1).

Convert Albedo, Metal, Roughness to Diffuse, Specular, Gloss Maps

Select "Convert - (Albedo Metal Rough) to (Diff Spec Gloss)" from the template library to open the conversion template in ShaderMap. You will see the following Project Grid setup to load an Albedo (1) Metal (2) and Rough (3) from file. Click the center of each source node to open a Load File dialog.

Below is an example conversion of Albedo (1) Metal (2) Rough (3) to Diffuse, Specular, Gloss. NOTE: The Roughness to Gloss conversion happens in place using a simple inversion Post Filter.

Convert Albedo and Metal to Diffuse and Specular Maps

Select "Convert - (Albedo Metal) to (Diff Spec)" from the template library to open the conversion template in ShaderMap. You will see the following Project Grid setup to load an Albedo (1) and Metal (2) from file. Click the center of each source node to open a Load File dialog.

Below is an example conversion of Albedo (1) and Metal (2) to Diffuse (3) and Specular (4):

Convert Diffuse, Metal and Specular to Albedo

Select "Convert - (Diff Metal Spec) to (Albedo)" from the template library to open the conversion template in ShaderMap. You will see the following Project Grid setup to load Diffuse (1) Metal (2) and Specular (3) from file. Click the center of each source node to open a Load File dialog.

Below is an example conversion of Diffuse (1) Metal (2) and Specular (3) to Albedo (4):

Convert Diffuse, Specular, Gloss to Albedo, Metal, Roughness Maps

Select "Convert - (Diff Spec Gloss) to (Albedo Metal Rough)" from the template library to open the conversion template in ShaderMap. You will see the following Project Grid setup to load an Diffuse (1) Specular (2) and Gloss (3) from file. Click the center of each source node to open a Load File dialog.

Below is an example conversion of Diffuse (1) Specular (2) Gloss (3) to Albedo, Metal, Rough. NOTE: The Gloss to Roughness conversion happens in place using a simple inversion Post Filter.

ShaderMap Software Documentation
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