Help Translate ShaderMap into Your Language
We are always looking to translate ShaderMap into additional languages. If you are interested in translating ShaderMap to your language then please
contact us at the email below.
Contact us using email at:
Please provide us with your qualifications, examples of translation, and a little about yourself. See the right side of this page to get started translating
ShaderMap now. Visit our Forums to participate in the discussion.
ShaderMap Forums
Files to Translate
In the ShaderMap installation directory see the folder
"\res\localization". The following files will need to be copy and pasted to the directory and renamed with
the appropriate country code. Ex "fr.core.txt and fr.plugin.txt". Translating these files will allow the user to select the language from the Options and Settings
page in ShaderMap.
- en.core.txt
- en.plugin.txt
To translate the help files shown in ShaderMap, you will need to copy and paste the folder "en" located in the installation directory at
Rename this folder to the appropriate country code. Ex "fr". Do not rename any of the folders or files inside. Begin translating the .txt files inside.